ArtiBot Wix Chatbot

How to create a free chatbot for Wix

Step 1 icon

Open the Wix website editor & Click the "Add" button

Add Embed to Wix Website
Step 2 icon

Select “More” from the side navigation

Select more from Wix navigation
Step 3 icon

Select the box that says “HTML code”.

Add HTML code to your Wix Site
Step 4 icon

Create an ArtiBot account for a free chatbot

Create a free chatbot for Wix
Step 5 icon

Choose a chatbot template that matches your business

Choose free Wix chatbot template
Step 6 icon

Copy the Snippet from the Install Snippet tab

Copy the chatbot code snippet
Step 7 Icon

Add your chatbot snippet in the code area.

Paste chatbot code into the code area
Step 8 Icon

Pin the chatbot to your screen

Pin chatbot to Wix site
Step 9 icon

Position the chatbot to the bottom right of your Wix site

Click on the bottom right or bottom left corner of the graphic.

Position chatbot to bottom right of Wix site

Build Your Free
Chatbot for Wix

Have other questions? Chat us or email

If you're ready to start adding a chatbot to your Wix website, get your free ArtiBot today.

Sign up by filling out the form to the right.